Smile Politely

Champaign Outdoors will teach you how to camp this Sunday

Here’s the thing about me and camping. I used to do it a lot as a kid, as a Girl Scout to be specific. I even took a trip to Boundary Waters at 13 where I portaged a canoe on my back, ate food that we cooked ourselves over a campfire, and tent camped in the wilderness.

I’ve gotten a bit wimpier as an adult, and sleeping on the ground just isn’t my jam. Also, it’s a lot of work. However, I love all the camping things: Campfires, S’Mores, nature, hiking, canoeing, and whenever I see friends post photos of their camping trips I always think “maaybe we could become camping people.”

This Sunday, June 30th, Champaign Outdoors is ready to give novice campers a lesson on all things camping. Camping 101 will give you the basics on setting up a tent, packing the car, purifying water, dressing properly, and more. And there will be folks who know a thing or two about camping on hand to answer questions. 

The session lasts from 2 to 4 p.m., it’s free, and kids can come too. 

Image from Facebook event

Staff writer

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