Smile Politely

Calling all male actors

Audition for the Armory Free Theatre production of The Duchess of Malfi (originally by John Webster, adapted by Zack Ross) are underway and we are still in need of some actors.

Set in Italy, the play depicts the tragedy of a Duchess who marries her lowly steward despite her brothers’ demands that she remain a widow. The lovers conduct their relationship in secret but soon their deception is uncovered and the brothers plot to exact revenge.

The parts still available are:

  • Antonio Bologna: The Duchess’ steward and husband.
  • The Cardinal: The brother to the Duchess and Ferdinand. He is corrupt and in league with Ferdinand to take revenge on his sister.

The script is available to read online (pdf).

Performances will be April 6–8.

If you are interested and would like to schedule an audition, contact the director, Zack Ross.


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