Smile Politely

Calling all beer snobs to Crane Alley

Smile Politely will soon be sharing with you the newest beers available at some of C-U’s finer drinking establishments. For today, we’ll focus on just Crane Alley, downtown Urbana’s premier watering hole for those seeking a luxurious array of brews.

New bottles
Three Floyds Broo Doo Harvest Ale
Three Floyds Fantabulous Resplendence XI
Three Floyds Black Sun Stout
Dogfish Head Raison D’extra (20% abv)
Dogfish Head Old School Barley Wine (15% abv)
Dogfish Head Fort (18% abv)
Lagunitas Cruisin with Ruben and the Jets
Rochefort 10

New drafts
Avery “The Czar” Imperial Stout
Great Divide Fresh Hop
Southern Tier Hoppe*
Southern Tier Cuvee Series 2*
Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron*
Three Floyds Gumballhead
Weihenstephaner Hefe Weizen
Victory Prima Pils
North Coast Old Rasputin Imperial Stout

*should be in the rotation this weekend

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