Smile Politely

Calamitous Microcosm artist gives online talk October 22nd

This month, Parkland College’s Giertz Gallery is taking its gallery talk series online, beginning with University of Nebraska faculty artist Jave Yoshimoto.

The following description was provided directly from Giertz Gallery: 

Born in Japan to Chinese parents and raised in the US, Jave Yoshimoto weaves current events and social issues in his artwork, which explores the convergence of tradition and contemporary society. His gouache paintings infuse traditional Japanese prints with depictions of recent disasters. Using a graphic style resembling manga, his stunning, colorful images poignantly illustrate natural and humanmade destruction and the emotion often associated with media coverage of such global concerns. Yoshimoto often embeds Godzilla into his work, which he sees as himself, powerlessly witnessing the unfolding disaster and helpless to assist.

An assistant professor of art at the University of Nebraska at Omaha, Yoshimoto has worked as an art therapist/mental health professional in Chicago; a teacher serving diverse ethnic populations; and an artist-in-residence at artist colonies across the US.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, Giertz Gallery will remain in a digital format through Spring 2021. Please watch for online exhibitions, resources, and programs from the gallery. We will continue to connect with our audiences through Facebook, Instagram, and email. Thank you for your support in these difficult times.

Calamitous Microcosm
Jave Yoshimoto Artist Talk
October 22nd, 7 to 8 p.m.
Free and open to the public
Register for the Zoom talk here

Top image from Facebook.

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