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Big Broadband in Champaign-Urbana

Do you want to have a say in the future of internet access in Champaign-Urbana? The University and the cities are pursuing federal stimulus funds in order build out a publicly-owned, fiber-optic network to provide low-cost broadband to Champaign-Urbana citizens, starting with the “Bradley Corridor” area (bounded by University Ave., I-74, Lincoln Ave., and Mattis Ave.). The Graduate School of Library and Information Science will be hosting an informational session on April 25th from 8:30am till 2pm in Room 126 at the GSLIS building at 5th and Daniels Street on campus to solicit community feedback on the plan. It’s important to get as much community involvement as possible, in order to ensure that any broadband roll-out meets the needs of the citizenry. This will be the first of multiple informational sessions and townhall meetings on the subject. Members of the cities’ Broadband Access Committee will be on hand to answer questions. Everyone is welcome! Go to for more information.

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