Smile Politely

BEST T-shirts of the decade: Jan + Her Husband

From our BEST Culture of the decade feature:

We should truly consider ourselves lucky to be graced with the presence of Jan and her husband here, as they walk through Urbana’s Market at the Square on a summer’s morning, living their best lives. This photo, featured in the 2015 iteration of BEST Culture, ended up being posted on redditAwkward Family Photos, and probably a ton of Instagram accounts after that, resulting in an extremely adorable Internet Moment™ (just kidding, we don’t own a trademark for such a term). This lovely sight reminds us about the simple joys in life, and Urbana got to be right in the thick of the internet buzz. Even though it was just a quick blip on the radar, this is one of the best cultural moments of the last decade. It made a splash with the cuteness factor attached to it, coated on real thick. (Patrick Singer)

Photo by Natalie Kenny-Marquez

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