Smile Politely

BEST Scene Ambassador of the decade: Kamila Glowacki

From our BEST Music of the decade feature:

It’s not just that Kamila Glowacki has performed in… count’ em — 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 — bands. It’s not just that her role as Education Coordinator at Krannert Art Museum brought us the best new music-meets-art project event we can remember in Art Remastered. It’s not just that she is deeply participant in organizations like Girls Rock! C-U. 

It’s that she does the thing, every time. 

A dear friend likes to refer to people who talk big but that don’t show up to get the work done as “all hat, no cattle.” And while I am not sure that particular aphorism applies perfectly here, Glowacki is the opposite of that idea. She has presided over so many different projects, and has been part of so many others, and all of them have added value to who we are, and what we should aspire to be. 

She’s our best scene ambassador for the decade, and I’ll be curious to see if that changes by 2029. It feels like she’s somehow still just getting started. (Seth Fein)

Photo by Veronica Mullen

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