Smile Politely

BEST Reunion of the decade: American Football

From our BEST Music of the decade feature:

The reunion that we didn’t really expect to see that would send waves across the world of midwest emo was American Football getting back together after nearly 15 years of inactivity. Mike Kinsella had moved towards doing his solo project Owen most of the time, as well as Cap’n Jazz shows, and the rest of the crew were living their lives as normal, everyday aging indie rockers. When PYGMALION 2014 was announced, it came with not just CHVRCHES, Panda Bear, Tycho, and many more to accompany this news about American Football performing. When a band with cult-status like this gets back together, it makes noise across the internet, and when it just so happens to be a band that originated here in C-U, it makes it that much more significant to our community. The band continues to perform all over the world, now having not just one but two follow up records to their highly influential debut record on Polyvinyl Records. (Patrick Singer)

Photo by Atiba Jefferson

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