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BEST response to racial justice movement: C-U’s anti-racist organizations

From our BEST 2020 feature:

BEST response to racial justice movement: C-U’s anti-racist organizations

Most of C-U’s response to the ongoing extrajudicial murders of Black people has been swift and unequivocal. (Sadly, we cannot say the same about our governments or institutions.)

Paign to Peace, an organization founded by young people just out of high school, quickly put together a series of marches attended by thousands. They have recently started curating a monthly entertainment list. 

Champaign County Antiracist Coalition regularly advocates for those who have been disenfranchised, whose voices are silenced, and for what is equitable. 

C-U Stand Up for Racial Justice is a national network of people doing the work to dismantle systemic racism. We’ve been publishing articles from CU-SURJ each month. 

There are so many other organizations doing the good work, and so many individuals doing the same on the personal level. Let’s keep fighting. (Jessica Hammie)

Top image by Anna Longworth.

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