Smile Politely

BEST pandemic side effect: Appreciation for our outdoor spaces

From our BEST 2020 feature:

BEST pandemic side effect: Appreciation for our outdoor spaces

“Outside” has taken on new significance this year. As we slog our way through a pandemic where being indoors in spaces other than your own home carries varying degrees of risk, we’ve become increasingly reliant on nature as entertainment. Our family has spent more time in our local parks, forest preserves, and exploring the trails and gardens of Allerton in the past 9 months then we have in probably the last five years. On the other side of this, as the busy rhythms of our lives slowly creep back in, I hope that we can maintain our regular visits to the wealth of outdoor spaces we have available to us. If you want some in-depth (and amusing) analysis of said spaces, be sure to check out our Year of the Park series. (Julie McClure)

Top image by Julie McClure.

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