Smile Politely

BEST new restaurants of the decade: Honorable Mention, Masijta Grill

From our BEST new restaurants of the decade feature:

Ten years ago, I had never had Korean food. C-U is such a robust and diverse community, it’s amazing to think that I moved from the Sophisticated East Coast™ to a tiny speck in the Midwest and am exposed to many more cuisines than ever before. Masijta Grill has been open for most of this decade, and the fact that it’s probably better than it was when it first opened is a testament to the quality and consistency of food. I have a hard time swaying from my favorite order (the bibimbap in a hot stone bowl), but that’s okay with me. It’s delicious and I will order something different next time. Maybe. (Jessica Hammie)

Photo by Jessica Hammie

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