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BEST new restaurants of the decade: Honorable Mention, Everyday Kitchen

From our BEST new restaurants of the decade feature:

The whole concept of Lodgic Everyday Community in and of itself is a pretty daring feat — to combine coworking, childcare, a cafe, and a restaurant all into one space. That’s quite a challenge, and Lodgic should be applauded for making that type of investment into the community. When it comes to a restaurant, they could’ve done something that would prove to be high volume at a lower cost, but in the end, that would be counter to their mission. As a result, Everyday Kitchen was born, providing a variety of quality options that’s added a really nice texture to the restaurant community. Quality offerings on their menu as well as from their bar, mixed with a lovely atmosphere, Everyday Kitchen is really just getting started. The restaurant has been around for just over a year, and sure enough, people are starting to notice. Lodgic’s concept on the whole is a long game, and Everyday Kitchen is a quality component to that plan. (Patrick Singer)

Photo from Everyday Kitchen’s Instagram page

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