Smile Politely

BEST House Show Space of the decade: The Velvet Elvis

From our BEST Music of the decade feature:

Not to paint with a broad brush, but The Velvet Elvis was different than a lot of venues you might consider a “house” venue. Meaning, it did not exist in a basement of someone’s house. Certainly not all house venues exist in the basement, sometimes the stage exists in the living room, or elsewhere. It isn’t all too often that you find a house venue that exists on the top floor of a building, and what a weird and awesome space it was. From time to time you’d see a show there that certainly did not belong there, but totally belonged there, you know? I saw HUM perform there. I saw The Appleseed Cast perform there. Common Loon, Withershins, and various other local bands perform there. Good Night Good Morning played their last show ever there. It was such a gem of a space because it was unconventional enough to feel like it belonged within conventional thinking when going to shows in C-U. (Patrick Singer)

Photo by Troy Stanger

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