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BEST community collaborations: Bucket Brigade and Solidarity Gardens CU

From our BEST 2020 feature:

BEST community collaborations: Bucket Brigade and Solidarity Gardens CU

When our worlds slammed to a halt in March, it was amazing to see how quickly organizations kicked things into high gear to fulfill the ever-increasing needs of the community. Within a couple of weeks, the Channing Murray Foundation, with referral assistance from Cunningham Township, launched the Bucket Brigade, providing the most vulnerable households in C-U with food and essential supplies. 

As spring turned to summer, Solidarity Gardens emerged as a large community-wide network addressing food insecurity through gardening. The Township, along with Channing Murray Foundation, Urbana Free Library, Sola Gratia Farm, Carle, University of Illinois Extension, University of Illinois School of Social Work, Champaign-Urbana Public Health District, Four Osprey/Champaign-Urbana City Farms, Urbana Park District, Champaign Park District, Urbana School District, McKinley Foundation, First Followers/City of Urbana, and Lierman Community Gardens helped community members work together to grow fresh food for those in need. 

When we get frustrated with how many generally awful people there are, it helps to remember that there are good ones, devoted to the idea that we cannot succeed as a community if are most vulnerable are not cared for. (JM)

Top image by Solidarity Gardens CU’s Facebook page.

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