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BEST Champion for C-U of the decade: Carly McCrory

From our BEST Culture of the decade feature:

Of course, as we go through our BEST of the decade week, there are plenty of people who make this place a pretty terrific place to exist. Someone that has comprehensively championed the community is Carly McCrory, who is a total diehard for this place. You won’t find anyone that can tell you more about living in Champaign County, and why you should live your life here, than her.

McCrory is currently the Director of the Champaign County Economic Development Corporation, where she spends her days showcasing the amazing benefits to living and working in C-U from a business perspective. Low cost of living, very little in the way of commute times, affordable options for developers and housing, excellent education offerings, and more. Her work has helped develop campaigns that promote the community to the outside world in You’re Welcome and Chambana Proud, not to mention that she is a mouthpiece for arts and cultural engagements in C-U as she sits as the President of the board of 40 North.

There’s more depth to what she’s been able to provide the people of the community, far more than I can write about here. She doesn’t do the work for the recognition either, which makes it even more deserving. She’s an invaluable mouthpiece for Champaign County because she’s such a genuine showcase of what you can do as a member of the community. (Patrick Singer)

Photo from Carly McCrory’s Twitter

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