Smile Politely

BEST Arts Advocate of the decade: Kelly White

From our BEST Arts of the decade feature:

It’s no exaggeration to say that our current arts scene would not exist without the advocacy of Kelly White, 40 North’s extraordinary Executive Director. In the years that she’s been on board, White has grown 40 North’s programs from two to well over a dozen. Her energy, kindness, dedication, vision, and deep commitment to the belief that arts make communities thrive have made Champaign-Urbana a better place to live. Those lucky enough to have studied art history with her at Parkland, or to have seen her intensely beautiful paintings, know that her talent and vision infuses everything she does. She has helped make this a place where artists of all flavors feel appreciated and engaged. She has brought art into public and commercial spaces in meaningful and mutually beneficial ways. She has proven that engagement in the arts is good for the soul and good for business. From the wildly successful Boneyard Arts Festival to the Sky Gallery and MTD art gallery programs, proof of her commitment is all around us. I am happy to know that come 2020, Kelly White will have an additional staff member on hand to help continue and grow the vital arts advocacy work she began 10 years ago. (Debra Domal)

Photo from 40 North’s website

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