Smile Politely

Beat the heat with some bowling and billiards

It’s going to be offensively hot the next few days, and as we Central Illinoisian’s understand, this will not be just hot. It will be oppressive and stiflingly humid as well, like you could wring out the air. The kind of hot where it’s just not possible to be outside, where even going to the pool is uncomfortable. 

So, seek out some air conditioned fun over the next few days. A great place to do that is the Illini Union Rec Room. As only an occasional U of I campus visitor, I tend to forget that this place exists, but it does!

They are open throughout the summer, and what a great time to visit — when the student poplulation is a bit less. During the summer, their hours are Monday-Friday 11:30 a.m. to 11 p.m. and Saturday-Sunday 5 to 11 p.m.

There are 12 billiards tables and 14 bowling lanes, and they also have old school coin-operated arcade games and a snack bar. 

Head over to the Illini Union website for prices.

Photos from Illini Union website

Staff writer

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