Smile Politely

Artists on display at Aroma Cafe

First, sorry about the rhyming title.

Now, more importantly, should you find yourself in the market for a tasty cup of coffee, a baked treat, or a look at some fine local art, you might want to stroll into Aroma Cafe in downtown Champaign. On the walls of this inviting space you will find artwork by employees of Weiskamp Screen Printing all through the month of March. These works include drawings, paintings, photography, screen printing, and posters. Artists include Warren Bensken, RW Foster, Thomas Frye, John Han, Lindsey Keeter, Katie Latona, Michael Morgan, and MMAFT.

So, once again, if you’re looking for a warm space, a hot drink, and cool art, check out the work on display at Aroma Cafe. (Dang it. Some days you can’t help rhyming. Something to do with the timing?)

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