Smile Politely

Annual Ride of Silence bike ride taking place tonight at 7 pm

This year’s annual “Ride of Silence” bike ride kicks off at 7 pm tonight from the iHotel Conference Center parking area. 

The ride will be completely silent, slow-paced, and will bring attention to those that have been lost cycling on our roadways. It should also serve as a reminder that cars need to share the road with bikes.

For more information, check out the quote below:



The Ride of Silence is part of a national event occurring in cities throughout North America. See for more information.

The purposes of this ride are to be a memorial for those who have been injured or killed due to unsafe riding situations and to raise awareness that bicycles and cars are to share the road.

Join us in a silent, slow-paced ride (max. 12mph, aprox. 8 miles). The ride leaves from the parking lot at Houlihan’s (corner of First and St. Mary’s) — feel free to arrive early to eat and socialize.  We will traverse through downtown Champaign and Urbana. Following the ride, socialization can continue at Crane Alley.

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