Smile Politely

AGORA Festival happening May 2nd & 3rd

The premier AGORA Festival will be held in Urbana, IL, on May 2nd & 3rd, 2014. We are celebrating collaboration in our community – all things collective, cooperative, and collaborative! Whether business, org/group, or musical performance, we look to highlight collaboration as something that brings value to the community, and an important piece of sustainability, while encouraging others to start their own collaborative ventures!

Friday, May 2, will feature local and special music guests, great food and drink, and fun times over at Cafeteria & Company. $5 at the door.

Saturday, May 3, will feature a downtown open house with special events happening at participating organizations, exciting presentations by local groups, a panel discussing the deeper themes in collaborative ventures, and the featured musical performance by The New History. All Saturday events are free!

So come join us! Pick up your festival pass at any of the participating organizations, and don’t forget to fill out your raffle card for great prizes!

Additional details on the festival schedule and participants below: 

7 p.m. – Cafeteria & Company

Come for music, drink, and food as we open the festival! $5 at the door.

Featured artists:

The New History
IO Mining Corp
Rebecca Rego & The Trainmen

May 3rd | Downtown Open House and Evening Festival | 10 a.m.–3 p.m. in Downtown Urbana

Visit local businesses and organizations for special events, info on their collaborative activities, and fill out your visit card (located at participating businesses) to enter for a raffle with prizes! Free to play, thanks to generous sponsorship.

List of participants

7–10 p.m.: Cafeteria & Company
Come see presentations of exciting local endeavors, engage with the panel, enter the raffle, and witness The New History Collaborative Music Project Big Unveil

7 p.m. – Presentations
8 p.m. – Panel
8:30 p.m. – The New History featured music performance

List of presenters, panelists
The New History

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