Earlier today, Postmaster General Louis DeJoy testified before the U.S. Senate in regards to the recent discussions about the mail sorting machines removal all over the country ahead of this fall’s Presidential election. Due to COVID-19, mail-in ballots are extremely important, and the management of those ballots getting counted in a timely fashion requires a lot of these mail sorting machines.
According to Mother Jones, United States Postal Service (USPS) plants have been “ordered to remove 671 mail sorting machines” and that “more than 90 percent of the machines have already been removed—and won’t be replaced.”
Naturally, there is a lot of concern surrounding this activity, and in the same report, there’s a list that features all of the sorting machines that have been removed thus far.
Champaign is on that list — though there’s no information about which USPS location had the machine removed, it does appear that there was one removed. In the Mother Jones article, if you scroll down to the bottom, there’s a PDF that features all of the locations that had mail sorting machines removed.
Remember: In order to make voting easier, the Champaign County Clerk’s office has set up actual ballot boxes for voters to return their mail in/absentee ballots.
Top image from Google Maps.