Smile Politely

5th Annual CU Aruna Run to be held on Saturday, September 29th

This very second, millions of women around the world languish in sexual slavery. They are more than statistics; they are individuals, with hopes and fears, dreams and doubts. Apart from someone stepping into their need, young women like Reshma will never be free.

We run to raise awareness of her need, to raise funds to secure her freedom through outreach programs, and to sustain her freedom through full-time employment. When you run or walk in an Aruna Run, you run for a specific woman by name, like Reshma. You run for her freedom.

The first four CU Aruna Runs have raised over $70,000 for the Aruna Project. Participation has grown quickly, with 1100 participants joining the movement in those four years. As a result of our race, and other Aruna Runs across the country, 46 women have reached freedom since 2014.

Register and learn more at

5th Annual CU Aruna Run

Date: September 29, 2018
Time: 9:00 a.m. race registration, 10:00 a.m. race start
Distance: 5K
Location: University of Illinois Arboretum (Corner of Florida and Lincoln Ave) 2001 S. Lincoln Ave, Urbana, IL 61802
Cost: $30 (includes a race shirt, drawstring bag, and medal)

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