Smile Politely

The Overture: May 24 – 30

WHAT: The Duke of Uke, Luke Winslow-King Trio

WHERE: The Iron Post ($5)

WHEN: Tuesday, May 24th at 7:00 p.m.

The combination of “Duke of Uke” and “Iron Post” should probably seal this one for you. There’s nothing like jazz-influences tunes in the post, and the Duke fits the bill perfectly. Plus, the Iron Post doesn’t really book stuff that falls as much on the indie side of things as the Duke, so this is a rare chance to see that happen.

WHAT: Ryan Groff, Sleepy Eye Giant, the Palace Flophouse

WHERE: Mike ‘N Molly’s ($5)

WHEN: Thursday, May 26th at 9:30 p.m.

Thursday in the beer garden brings two great local acts, plus South Carolinans Sleepy Eye Giant. We get the feeling that the Palace Flophouse will stick with their acoustic formation for this show, to compliment solo Groff and the folky stylings of Sleepy Eye Giant.


WHAT: Lonely Trailer, Cheaper Hits, TBA

WHERE: Mike ‘N Molly’s ($5)

WHEN: Friday, May 27th at 9:30 p.m.

While they’ve been reunited for a while now, Lonely Trailer have kept a low profile. Since their first show back in May of 2009, they’ve played out every few months, but never really gone for a show blitz, which makes this a rareish chance to catch one of the most influential bands in town. Facebook also advertises a “mystery band”, which we can only assume means Peace Beach.


WHAT: Missing the Point, So Long Forgotten, That’s No Moon

WHERE: Cowboy Monkey ($5)

WHEN: Saturday, May 28th at 10:00 p.m.

Missing the Point have been around for a long time. Case in point, I can remember hearing about them when I was in fifth grade — this would have been the year 2000, give or take a semester. So Long Forgotten have also cut their live chops in the area for quite some time( my roommate insists that he saw them headline a show at the Shed in Dewey over a pre-fame Fall Out Boy), and both bands boast excellent live reputations from the practice. That’s No Moon is years younger than anyone else on this bill, but fits in well stylistically.

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