Smile Politely

Temple of Low Men, Lorenzo Goetz Reunite Tonight and Tomorrow at Cowboy Monkey

For those interested in the vibrant and rich music scene in our humble little towns, these two bands need no introduction: both Temple of Low Men and Lorenzo Goetz helped define the musical landscape until their demises in 2005 and 2006, respectively.

What was supposed to be only a 3/4 reunion for Lorenzo Goetz has turned into a full blown two night stand now that drummer Jesse Greenlee has come back into the fold for the fun. Each night features a different opening act: tonight is a Smile Politely favorite, Elsinore and tomorrow is Darling Disarm.

Tickets are available at the gate for $8 and capacity is extremely limited. Get there early. Doors open at 8 p.m.

Photo by Todd Owyoung

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