Smile Politely

Get Warm and Fuzzy Tonight at Mike n’ Molly’s

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
sugar is sweet,
and so are you.

If what you seek
are Valentine’s jollies,
come to a rock show
at Mike n’ Molly’s.

For those who really want to feel the love tonight, get close to your fellow man (and woman) at Mike n’ Molly’s tonight, where the upstairs room will be opened up for a rowdy show sure to tug at your heartstrings. Friday Night Villain, hailing from Charleston, will be showcasing their electronic aggro-rock, locals Gristle will get your heart pumping with their brand of rockabilly, and SP valentines The Beauty Shop will likely deliver a healthy dose of cynicism with their alt-country gems. But who knows, maybe the romance — or whiskey — will inspire lead singer/guitarist John Hoeffleur to rally a slow dance or two. Either way, this show won’t let you down like your dude totally did, and cover is only $5.

Show starts at 10:00 p.m. sharp. Mike n’ Molly’s is located at 105 N. Market St. in downtown Champaign.

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