Smile Politely

Market Watch: strawberry season officially here

Yep, it’s strawberry season. This weekend, the Market will have several vendors selling different varieties of these totally luscious berries. Check rows One, Two, and Four of the Market. Time for shortcake! And muffins! And jam! And…!

Other produce: asparagus, peas (snow and sugar snap), salad mixes and lettuces, spinach, rhubarb, hydroponic tomatoes, pickling cukes, fresh herbs, chard, radishes, and what do you want to bet you’ll see some blueberries lurking? Come early (read: before 9) if you want some. There’s also the usual in goat cheese, meats and eggs, and honey, and prepared foods galore.

Speaking of, Row Five is the place to be at the Market if you want someone to make something tasty for you – everything from organic healthy stuff to ice cream and candied almonds (and pie) live in that row, plus some produce gems. Get into Row 5!


This week’s special event: Art at the Market! After last October’s very successful mask-making workshop, Urbana Public Arts Program coordinator Anna Hochhalter decided that more frequent partnerships between the Market and Urbana’s Public Arts Program made perfect sense. The first collaboration of the year will be a free ceramics workshop, open to all ages, this weekend at the Market between 8 a.m. and noon, with local sculptor Suzanne Berkes facilitating the use of clay to create art exploring the theme of water. All materials and instruction are free and open to everyone, and registration is not required. The Urbana Public Arts Program provides opportunities for all residents to engage with the arts in its many forms… so get out to the Market and sculpt!

Also of note:

One of the Market’s best-loved vendors, Prairie Fruits Farm, starts their Dinners on the Farm season this weekend. There are still seats available for several of the dinners: if you’re interested in locally-sourced cuisine cheffed by local talent Chef Alisa, get thee to the Farm! Dinner there is worth every penny.

See everyone at the Market!

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