Smile Politely

Weekender: June 22-24

Friday, June 22nd

Drink some drinks, anywhere you’d like, all weekend, about $5 per person

I guess I’ve been into drinks lately. Yes, I know that sounds particularly stupid, but I often prefer to chew my calories, so it’s a change of pace for me. I’ve written ad nauseam about shrubs. Those are great. Last week I had Maize’s watermelon agua fresca more than once. Bentley’s seasonal cocktails are fantastic, and on Sundays you can get an alcoholic slushy at Watson’s for $5. A quick peek at my Instagram feed will reveal more. Alcoholic or non, there are plenty of refreshing beverage options all over C-U. (JH) Photo of Bentley’s Garden Party by Jessica Hammie

Reflect, the privacy of your own home, all weekend, emotional cost varies

The horror happening at the US border right now has been blasted all over the news, and for good reason. It’s disgusting to separate families, to treat humans as garbage. I know that these actions taken by the Trump Regime Administration have weighed heavily on people regardless of their political leanings, and that many here in C-U have donated to organizations, contacted their representatives, and held their children a little more tightly. As fucking awful as what is happening at the border is, it’s important to remember that this sort of state-sponsored terrorism is not new — the US government and wealthy whites have a long history of ripping babies from their mothers. There is a reason that enslaved individuals were separated from their children, their spouses, their loved ones. There is a reason that Native American children were sent away to boarding schools. There is a reason that there are so many black and brown children in foster care. There is a system that a small number of very powerful people want to maintain, at the expense of literally everyone else. If you don’t know these histories, that’s okay — these people and systems don’t want you to. But be open to learning them. Visit our amazing libraries, ask for help finding books, articles, evidence. Continue to send your letters, donate your dollars. But also remember that there are versions of what is happening at the border right here, in our town, too. It takes a whole lot of persistence to undo hundreds of years of abuse. Keep at it. (JH) Screenshot from

Saturday, June 23rd

Cemetery Restoration Workshop, Urbana Free Library, 10 a.m., free

If you are looking for an activity rich in history, procedures, customs, and the grit and grime of preservation, then the Urbana Free Library is hosting something unique which may be of interest to you. John Heider – a professional gravestone conservator – is teaching a two-part workshop which will be held both Saturday, June 23rd and Sunday, June 24th. The first part will be mostly informational, beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday morning in the Lewis Auditorium. Eager for an embodied learning experience? After attending the morning session, you can sign-up for the hands-on portion which will take place on both Saturday and Sunday afternoon at Roselawn Cemetery from 1 to 4 p.m. The workshop is free, but registration is required. To register contact the Urbana Free Library Archives at 217-367-4025 or e-mail (AB)

Martin Luther King Jr.-Jettie Rhodes Day, King Park, 12 to 4 p.m., free

19 years ago, Urbana resident Jettie Rhodes asked the question “Who is your neighbor?” Now her simple quest to get neighbors connected is a community event with lots of family fun. There will be free food (while it lasts), entertainment, prizes, and more. All are welcome to join in. You can read more about it here. (JM) Photo from Facebook

Go to a bee-zaar, U of I Pollinatarium, 1 to 4 p.m., free (items will be for sale)

This weekend wraps up the end of Pollinator Week, a national event that draws attention to the importance of pollinators such as bees and butterflies. The U of I Pollinatarium, kind of a neat place to go visit any time of the year, is hosting a Bee-Zaar, where they will be selling all sorts of items as a fundraiser. There will be toys, games, shirts, and books, as well as lots of free activities for the family. Check out their Facebook event for more info. (JM)

Bones Jugs, Rational Dress Society, Emma Back, The Iron Post, $10, 7 p.m.

Here’s where you start your Saturday night in Downtown Urbana: The Iron Post for the Parking Lot Party with Bones Jugs as a headliner. 7 p.m., Emma Back, 8 p.m. Rational Dress Society, and 9 p.m. Bones Jugs. This is part one of the evening of live music, as this would be a fun one to get things going before heading to Blackbird, which you’ll see below. (PS) Photo from Bones Jugs’ Facebook page

DJ Legtwo, Blackbird, 10 p.m., free

You’ve already paid cover at the Iron Post at this point, so now you can have a bonus after party show with DJ Legtwo playing a bunch of bangers late night. Legtwo is celebrating women of hip hop all night, check out his mix via his Soundcloud page. Here’s where you can buy a few drinks and hang for the evening. (PS)

Sunday, June 24th

Eat crawfish, Crane Alley’s Crawfish Boil, 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. (but the food won’t last that long), $23/$28

If you haven’t already purchased your tickets ($23), you’ll need to do that pronto. This popular event features all-you-can-eat crawfish (with corn and potatoes and the other stuff that goes in the boil). Half Acre will be on tap at the beer truck — it’s a full on patio party. For more details on what to expect, read this. (JH) Photo by Rebecca Wells

Learn West African Dance, Channing Murray Foundation, 5 to 6:30 p.m., $5/$7

Taught by Tatianna Ammons of Ngoma Expressions, this is a class that is open to all ages and anyone who wants to get a good workout. There will be live drumming there to accompany the dancing. All you need is loose clothing and some water and a willingness to let go of inhibitions and learn something new. Want to learn a bit more about West African Dance? Check out this article about the Midwest Mandang festival last fall. (JM)

Sleeping Okami, The Loose Cobra, $5 suggested donation, 5 p.m.

Sleeping Okami kicks off their residency at Loose Cobra this Sunday afternoon — their summer residency dates are June 24th, July 22nd, and August 19th. Perhaps you want to skip the first couple nights of the weekend and make Sunday afternoon your day to booze it? This would be a relaxing one to catch, no question. (PS)

All event information is accurate to the best of our abilities, but sometimes we make mistakes and sometimes event information, times, prices, etc., change after we look them up. Whenever possible, we’ve provided a link to the original event page; you should always double-check the source before you make any firm plans. Thanks for your understanding.

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