Smile Politely

Weekender: April 27–29


Marathon, Medals, and Martinis, 5:00 p.m.–2:00 a.m.

Emerald City Lounge

Emerald City Lounge toasts this weekend’s marathon by offering great drink specials until the wee hours of Saturday morning. Enjoy Cosmos, Lemon Drops, Appletinis, or Firecracker Martinis for only $6. (TN)

Unionfest 2012, Illini Union, 7:00 p.m., free?

Pretty solid lineup of locals and non-locals, including the ever familiar Elsinore, Santah, Grandkids, and Hathaways, as well as Kids These Days, U-C Hip Hop Congress, The 92s, Bee Kay, Mike Golden and Friends, Decadents, Draft Week, and The Flips. Even though the Union Courtyard isn’t the greatest place to see a show, you’re getting plenty of bang for your buck, er, your unused buck? (PS)



Pilobolus at Krannert Center, Fri/Sat 7:30 p.m., $36 for general public

These guys are touring with the Radiolab folks.

I don’t have any idea what these human beings are doing here to my right, but I am pretty sure it’s a threesome, while standing upright, likely set to music. $36 seems like a steal compared to what you’d pay for a decent show and a few beers on Bourbon St. (SF).



End the night at Dublin O’Neils: open til 2 a.m., and serving food

There has been more than a bit of debate amongst the Editors at Smile Politely as of late with regards to who holds the crown for the Best Burger around. I’ve got my horse, Susanna has hers, Robert has his, and Joel just kind of stares at you through his glasses, silently judging your choice to eat poorly and not bike 20 miles to work — each way — staring death in the face at every haunted turn leading to Gibson City.

I’m not here to discuss the “Best” right now. What I am here to say is that the burger at Dublin O’Neils is goddamned delicious and if you are feeling like you deserve it because of a good showing at the gym this week, you should drink a lot of booze tonight, and encourage your friends to join you for late night eats and treats at this fine Downtown Champaign establishment.

It’s truly one of my favorite items to order in this town. (SF)

EbertFest: A Separation, 8:30 p.m.

I’d love to give you a bit more preview here, but honestly, I haven’t seen this particular film yet. I don’t really do research on movies outside of perhaps watching a trailer and looking at the number attached to Rotten Tomatoes to determine if I am going to spend a couple hours of my life in order to try to have some sort of emotional experience by watching the screen. I usually reserve that for autumn and winter when Purdue is on.

But this movie looks to be a gem, albeit, a very very disturbing and difficult one to watch. The Academy thought so as well, as it was awarded Best Foreign Film for 2011. It’s an Iranian film, which will lead most every conservative quack-pot-fuck-face to believe that the Academy is either run by the liberal apologists who are actually spies for Ahmadinejad, or the Jews, who are mocking him with this back-handed compliment of a false God like Mr. Oscar himself.

I play basketball with an Iranian fella, and I asked him what his government thinks of the film. He said, “Not much, honestly. The lead actor is kind of on the opposition, so they don’t like him much, but the film isn’t political enough to matter really.”

Sounds good. At least it won’t be used as an excuse when Romney starts talking about the need to “take them out.” Just like Joseph Smith would have done, when he was finished banging his 47 wives.

Trailer below. (SF)



Illinois Marathon, 7 a.m., registration closed

I wish it weren’t so, but I kind of hate everyone who runs the marathon. I mean, not for long or anything, and it’s not the kind of hate that I reserve for people who treat student employees like slaves, or deny press passes to independent magazines or anything. No, I just hate how self-righteous those who run it become for that window of time where they believe that they have somehow transcended the average human as a result of their efforts to “train” to have absolutely ZERO chance of winning something. Plus, who pays almost $100 for the right to run on a street? I’m not totally sure where this money is going, but Holy Mackerel, from a promoter’s perspective, these guys and gals are cleaning up!

And good for them. In all seriousness, this event is as important as any, and actually carries with it a TRUE economic impact. People literally travel here from all over to run in this race, which I hear is a very good one, based on our topography and kind-hearted Midwestern spirit. I am not sure exactly how much money it generates, but there are plenty of folks out there, working real hard in the service industry, who genuinely appreciate it. And for that, I guess I appreciate these Marathon runners.

I guess. (SF)

Midwest Zine Fest, U-C Independent Media Center, 11 a.m. to 11:30 p.m., Free

Kansas Bible Company, Blueprints FAFT, Finer Feelings, Mike ‘N Molly’s, $5, 9:00 p.m.

Midwest Zine Fest is happening, which is cool in supporting DIY ethic and all, but maybe going over and supporting some cool local bands would help the cause too. Hell, bring those zines over and hang out. Maybe get them autographed for no reason. Whatever you want to do. Blueprints FAFT are playing potentially their last show ever, and Kansas Bible Company knows how to get it done as the touring band on this bill. (PS)



Aroma Cafe, anytime
Downtown Champaign’s littlest cafe has new owners and a new look this month. Stop in to say hi or to try one of their pastries (the blueberry muffin if you have a sweet tooth), coffees, or perhaps the hummus plate. Check out this week’s review about some of the new lunch dishes. (SK)


Raw Art Tour, Green & Vine Street (Lot 21)

I feel that terrible feeling of missing out on something when I read about this. I haven’t talked to anyone about it but it seems pretty cool. The tour events wrap up today with a performance party, which is said to be “an event that showcases local community members of various disciplines and interests who use the stage as a platform to perform, workshop, and/or discuss. The scene is as varied as the participants.” It’s a yearlong traveling art project combining various mediums throughout different communities in the U.S. Yeah, I’m missing something. (JS)

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