Smile Politely

Uniforms: James Stevens

Welcome to Uniforms. A new series in which I’ll be taking before and after photographs of C-U workers from various professions. I’ll also ask a few questions so you can get to know the people behind the photos. Stay tuned for more in the coming weeks. 

Below, James Stevens at the start of his work day

Smile Politely: What is your profession?

James Stevens: I am a mechanic.

SP: How long have you been in this position?

Stevens: I’ve been working on cars for a living for just over a year. Before that I worked small jobs on the side in my own garage. Got my start with bicycles and gradually started working on motorcycles and cars.

SP: What does your job entail from a day to day basis?

Stevens: Wake up at 7am get coffee and start working at 8. My days usually entail of a few oil changes, maybe some brakes. Lots of hot greasy cars. I stay pretty busy which is good. Makes 5 o’ clock come faster.

SP: What do you do to get ready for work?

Stevens: Get dressed, put my boots on and get coffee. If all 3 of those happen Before 8 a.m., I’m ready.

SP: How do you feel when you get done with your day?

Stevens: Depends a lot on the weather. Lately it’s been pretty warm and humid. Our garage isn’t air conditioned, so on those days I tend to be a bit exhausted by 5 p.m.

SP: How do you unwind?

Stevens: I like to ride motorcycles with my friends when I’m not working. I find it very relaxing to put some music on in my helmet and hit the road for an hour or two after a work day. I also love grilling food and drinking cold beer.

Below, Stevens after his shift

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