Smile Politely

The Weekender: May 8–10

It’s a slow weekend for music, folks. Luckily, the weather is supposed to be pleasant so I suppose you could always break in your biking legs on a 15-mile ride to the Sidney Dairy Barn.


Sugar Daddy: Sugar opens at the Art Theatre on Friday and will prove a complete 180 from the Art’s prior film, Gomorrah. A drama focused on a Latin American baseball prospect who comes to America to play minor-league ball, Sugar has been well-received by the critics. Mr. Ebert says: “Baseball is only the backdrop, not the subject. This is a wonderful film.”

Are you ready for the country?: The Central Illinois English Country Dancers are having “a dance with live music provided by local musicians” at Phillips Recreation Center (505 W. Stoughton, Urbana) from 7 to 10 p.m. “Dancers of all ages are welcome. All dances will be taught. Partners, costumes and experience are not required, however we ask that soft-soled, non-marking, non-street shoes be worn so as not to damage the dance floor. Admission $2.”

He’s come out of nowhere to lead the pack at Augusta: The Champaign-Urbana Ballet’s performance of Cinderella opens tonight at the Virginia Theatre. The show begins at 7:30 p.m. tonight and at 2 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Tickets are $8-16 for youth/students and $12-24 for adults.

Low brow, high brow: For those into encased meats and a touch of the vino, Sleepy Creek Vineyards will be offering Wieners & Wine every Friday night from now until the next time you say, “Fuck, it’s cold!” again. Dogs provided, assuming you buy the wine.


Let Harold make your omelet: Start a new Saturday morning tradition at the Market each week by heading over to Great Impasta and allowing the chef de cuisine pick fresh ingredients from local farmers to use in your breakfast. This is local like it was meant to be. We’re almost like Europe or something?

For Early Morning Green Thumbs: From 7-11 a.m., hundreds of plants are for sale at Common Ground, including organic tomatoes (thanks to Blue Moon), peppers, herbs, greens, and more. All plants are priced between $1 and $3 and all proceeds go to the Common Ground Food Co-Op ‘Food for All’ Discount and Equity Scholarship Programs. So, stop by on your way to the Farmer’s Market.

WEFT in the morning, please: There’s never a bad time to donate to WEFT, our longest-running community radio station. But now is a particularly good time as the station is in the midst of a membership drive. May we recommend tuning in on Saturday morning to Rock Geek FM at 8 a.m. to hear Smile Politely music critics William Gillespie and C.D. Scoggins. The pair’s shows are always themed and entertaining. Later in the morning at 10 a.m., catch Carl Estabrook’s “News From Neptune,” which he co-hosts with Paul Mueth. It’s essential listening for Chomskyites and left-leaning political junkies.

Guerilla Gardening: Jaclyn Smith wants you to be ready to plant. Meeting at 212 W. High St. Apt. 5, in Urbana at 11 p.m. for distribution of compost/soil packs and seeds and striking public areas in Urbana. Show up wearing black and bring a digging tool and gloves. Donations to help pay for soil/compost are requested at $2 per person. Sign up for the event on Facebook.

Nothing less than The Future of Broadband is at stake: Head to the Urbana Free Library Auditorium from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for “The Future of Open Access in Champaign Urbana: towards a community-wide plan for universal access to broadband in Champaign-Urbana,” Hosted by the Broadband Access Committee (BAC), of the Champaign-Urbana Cable and Telecommunications Commission.


Mr. Sokolski, Ms. Heaton, and Mr. Bentley: A trio of talented songwriters hold down the fort at Bentleys for a free show at 7 p.m. Cody Sokolski’s band, The Delta Kings, plays Bentleys on Saturday, so those seeking a bit of Cody in their lives will easily get their wish this weekend.

Naomi Klein, Redux: Klein graced us with her presence last semester. Now, the documentary she referenced throughout her campus talk is being screened at the Champaign Library for free. The Take follows Argentinian workers as they rebel for their right to work, taking the idea of a sit-in to a new extreme. 2 p.m.

Listen to ‘casual sex’: Hailing from Brooklyn and signed to Robeson-dwelling Polyvinyl Records, this band’s name literally means ‘casual sex’ or better yet ‘fun sex’ in Japanese. We’re not sure how that might affect the show-going experience for you, but for us, somehow it makes it better. The psychedelic noise-rockers Asobi Seksu head into town for an early show at Canopy Club with Sam Lowry. Show starts at 8:00 p.m.

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