Smile Politely

SP Radio Podcast: WEFT, the first 30 years

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WEFT, East Central Illinois’ community radio station, is celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year. We speak with Station Manager Mick Woolf about the station’s first 30 years. Mick, who has been with WEFT for 29 of those years, talks about:

  • The station’s early days and how a few tenacious people worked for seven years to get the station on the air.
  • Some of the most interesting characters who have broadcasted over the years, including the Old-Timer, Chef Ra, and others.
  • The difference between community radio and public radio.
  • WEFT’s influence on C-U over the years.

And, hey, what do you know, it’s WEFT Spring Fundraising Drive, so if you like listening to SP Radio live, please head on over to the site and donate now.


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