Smile Politely

Live blogging the second debate tonight

Since I think everyone had a good time with it the first time around, I’ll be live-blogging tonight’s mayoral candidate forum as well. The event begins at 7 p.m. at the council chambers in the Champaign City Building. This time, the event will be televised on CGTV, which I believe is channel 5 for most local customers.

The moderator will be Dr. Sandra Kato, Director of the Upward Bound Project & Asst. Dean, UI Office of Minority Students. Unlike the first public debate where the moderators solicited and prepared questions ahead of time, this time the questions will originate from members of the audience, which should result in a less-scripted feel (and perhaps more birther-related queries).

Also, having the event televised live will reduce the need for me to transcribe everything as it happens. My hope is that it will be more of an ongoing discussion rather than a broadcast of what’s happening: more polls, more interaction with commenters, and hopefully more snarkiness.

After the wifi snafu of the first debate, I’m a bit dubious of any wifi in public places, especially with everyone and their dog tweeting furiously on their smartphones. The plan is to conduct the live blog from home, where the internets are as fast as Comcast allows (a photo from my “war room” is posted at the top of the article). Looking forward to seeing you tonight!

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