Smile Politely

Listen Up: Jan. 31 – Feb. 6

WHAT:Between the Mughals and the Brits: Why Sikhs Ruled Muslim-majority Punjab,” Rajmohan Gandhi, Research Professor, CSAMES

WHEN: Tuesday, January 31 @ 12 noon

WHERE: Lucy Ellis Lounge: Room 1080, Foreign Languages Building, 707 S. Mathews, Urbana

Hey, it’s Mohandas Gandhi’s grandson! And he’s speaking about something that you likely know absolutely nothing about! Right now! Go! Go! Go!


WHAT:Water Quality Issues and Protection in Illinois,” Marcia Willhite – Chief, Bureau of Water, Illinois Environmental Protection Agency

WHEN: Thursday, February 2 @ 12 noon

WHERE: Illinois Sustainable Technology Center, One E. Hazelwood Dr., Champaign

Ms. Willhite should be able to clear up some of those lingering misconceptions about the paint you poured down the drain three years ago. They can actually taste it in Peoria to this day.


WHAT:Russia’s Leadership and U.S.-Russia Relations,” Andrew Kuchins, Director and Senior Fellow, Russia and Eurasia Program Center for Strategic and International Studies

WHEN: Thursday, February 2 @ 4 p.m.

WHERE: 3rd Floor Levis Faculty Center, 919 West Illinois Street, Urbana

I’m trying to overlook the fact that Mr. Kuchins looks like the CEO of a company I used to work for. Christ, what an asshole that guy was. I’m sure Mr. Kuchins is a good fellow, though, and quite knowledgeable on the ol’ bear.


WHAT:Civilizing Democracy: Sophocles and Athens,” Robert Wallace, Northwestern University

WHEN: Friday, February 3 @ 2 p.m.

WHERE: Lucy Ellis Lounge: Room 1080, Foreign Languages Building, 707 S. Mathews, Urbana

The knowledge contained in this talk could be crucial to your victory in the upcoming trivia night.


WHAT: “Societal Implications of Nanotechnology in Addressing Grand Global Challenges,” Dr. Irfan S. Ahmad, U of I

WHEN: Friday, February 3 @ 12 noon

WHERE: Lucy Ellis Lounge: Room 1080, Foreign Languages Building, 707 S. Mathews, Urbana

From the event announcement: “Nanotechnology has been heralded by some as a savior of humanity, while the naysayers have advocated placing a moratorium on nanotechnology research. Global challenges in areas of water, energy, health, and environment derive hope from nanotechnology for providing novel solutions. There are now several hundred nanotechnology-based products commercially available, while hundreds more are in the pipeline including those in the areas of agriculture and healthcare. So the question is what are the potential implications of these nanoscale products and materials, and how well to navigate this space while undertaking research and development by looking at cultural, global, medical, legal, safety, security, and environmental factors.”


You live near a major university and a community college. There are smart people that come here every week to talk to the general public about interesting topics. Perhaps you were not aware of this fact, or were overwhelmed by the sheer number of opportunities for possible enlightenment. If that’s the case, Smile Politely understands and is here to help. Here are several events going on in town this week. Check out one or more of them if you have time. Get your learn on, as they say, and join the cognoscenti. It’s free, you know. Plus, sometimes there’s free food, too!

If you have a community event, speaker, or film event that you’d like to see featured on Listen Up!, send the event information to joelgillespie [at] smilepolitely [dot] com by Friday the week prior to the event. Listen Up! runs on Tuesdays when classes are in session.

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