Smile Politely

Lead4life brings a little Rumba to the Summa

A bright and sunny August 6th afternoon saw Dodds park invaded by a swarm of kids, teens, and adults playing bubble soccer and sumo. And if you’re wondering what either of those are, they are exactly what they sound like: strap into a giant bubble, kick a ball around a field, and try to knock your opponent(s) down in the process. Brought to the park by Lead4life, the day included music, raffles, and a visit from Operation M.O.R.E.‘s MJS dance squad.

Lead4life is an organization that partners with Champaign Unit 4 Schools to help kids realize the power of a dream, maximize their potential, and take full advantage of their educational opportunities. Founded by Javae’ Wright, the organization actually came out of one of his own dreams. “I had always wanted to have my own shoe company, and once I had one I started selling to basketball coaches in Chicago,” recalls Wright. “The coaches were interested, but wanted me to come talk to their kids about how I (achieved my dream) first. I ended up spending only about 15 minutes talking with the kids about shoes, and the rest of the time I spent talking about how to pursue their dreams.”

Below, Wright (center) addresses the crowd before the Rumba gets rolling.

Beginning with just seven kids in 2006, Lead4life now has over 500 with ages ranging from elementary to high school. A curriculum-based program, the group teaches self-confidence, self-esteem, accountability, and vision. In addition to the adult leadership, Lead4life also has a Student Engagement Committee (SEC) that takes part in planning and executing events and activities that help the other students in the program build the skills they need for life.

While the day was definitely made for the kids to have fun (and they absolutely enjoyed themselves!), Wright took several opportunities during the afternoon to remind everyone to think forward. “If you don’t see it before you see it, then you’ll never see it.” In other words, use your imagination and envision where you want to be in life, otherwise you’ll never get there; a motto that more kids (and probably adults, too) should get behind!

Check below for more photos of the day! Also, if you’re interested in more information on Lead4life- either how to serve as a volunteer or how to get your child involved- make sure to check out their website or visit them on Facebook.

Below, Wright raffles off one of several pairs of his Leadaz brand sneakers.

Below, the MJS dance squad takes center field.

Below, members of the Lead4life SEC are interviewed.

About the author: Stephen N. Kemp 

Stephen is an IT manager at the University of Illinois and has been a photographer with Smile Politely since 2015. Find his photography on Facebook, the web, or contact him directly via email.

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