Smile Politely

Got H2O?

You may have noticed a few people running around town during the Christie Clinic Illinois Marathon and its ancillary runs. Some of these hearty runners go sans water, relying on the race to provide it and -ade to get them through the miles. Others, though, strap on belts or otherwise carry bottles. The longer the distance, the more some carry. I’ve seen (and admit to wearing) belts of six bottles. Sure, I looked a little weird, saddled as I was with almost four pounds of water around my waist, but it was what made me feel better, safer.

So, several questions come to mind. Why wear a belt or carry water if a race offers aid stations? Why carry so much extra weight on a run? Do you run with water every time, no matter the distance? Most importantly, what do you drink?

I exchanged emails with three people about their bottle usage, or their lack thereof. Here’s what they had to say:

Don Frictl, 55, Paxton (pictured above)

I carry an Ultimate 20 ounce bottle with strap. The strap lets me relax my hand by not gripping the bottle tightly. By carrying the bottle I can bypass some aid stations. I also prefer to drink small amounts several times per mile. By constantly sipping smaller amounts I do not experience the sloshing feeling that one gets after drinking a cup or two at each station. The weight of the bottle does not slow me down as compared to slowing from being slightly dehydrated. Last year, I did a race where I carried two bottles in my belt and another in my hand for a total of 60 ounces. The race was in the mountains of southern CO in the summer with temps near 90. It was two hours between aid stations. I usually was out of fluids by that time.

If the run is less than five miles and the temps are cool I may skip using it. When it’s hot you’ll see me with it at the shorter Tuesday fun runs. For shorter runs I fill it with water. Longer runs I’ll use Gatorade, Heed, or Succeed. Succeed is my first choice.

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Lorrie Pearson, 37, Champaign

I use a Nathan 2-bottle belt. I cramp from dehydration fairly easily, so I like having water with me. At races, carrying my own water means I don’t have to wait at aid stations or waste a cup. The belt also holds necessities like my phone and keys. I’m not fast to begin with, so I wouldn’t know if it affects my speed. But I do know that being dehydrated slows me down a lot more than carrying a few ounces of water. Yes, I run with water every time I run. I drink about every mile or two, depending on the conditions. One bottle of water for all distances up to and including the 10K, and one water and one Gatorade for longer distances.

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Seth Chiles, 33, Champaign

I don’t carry water when I run because I’ve always hated carrying things when I run. I’ve heard that you need water anytime you run much more than an hour. I don’t do too many runs longer than an hour, so it hasn’t been necessary, in general. I make sure to be hydrated before I run and to drink plenty of water afterwards, so carrying water is less of a concern. I think if I were to start running marathon distances, I’d have to start carrying water.

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What works best for me?

I run with an Amphipod RunLite Snapflask 2 Hydration Belt. Mostly, I do it because I have a place to put my car key and phone. If I get hurt on a run, I feel better knowing I have a way of communicating with others and getting a ride home if I’m out on a long run. It also makes me feel safer in case someone I’m running with has a health issue. That’s never happened, thankfully, but it always could. I also run with water during races; it doesn’t matter the distance. Sure people look at me funny in a 5K with a water bottle, but I like to drink on my schedule, not the race’s. Also, water stations slow me down, and of course, I don’t like it when that happens. So, the slight added weight doesn’t bother me too much.

I run with just two water bottles in a half marathon. For a 10K or 5K, usually, I’ll run with just one bottle. For a half marathon, it’s a two bottle run. I run with water, but for a half marathon, I’ll carry one with water and the other with Gatorade.

There are lots of different water belts and bottles to choose from. So what do you run with? Water, Gatorade, beer, coffee?

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