Smile Politely


The quiet prejudice in the municipal code

A 1994 ordinance is a racial barrier to renting a home in the City of Champaign. It's an on-the-books example of quiet prejudice, and it's past time that city council take the steps needed to restore a sense of justice to our municipal code.

Interview with Matt Grandone, candidate for county clerk

In the first of hopefully three installments, Ben Chapman interviews Matt Grandone, candidate for county clerk, to get Grandone's view on the county clerk's responsibilities and how he plans to address the voting accessibility and integrity issues of the day.

Representation Matters

Eleven years removed from the “retirement,” the University and the surrounding communities are still embattled in this Chief-no Chief controversy. What is the University’s responsibility?

Why do we vote this way?

Nicole Anderson Cobb considers voting policies and procedures in Champaign County, and seeks clarification on confusing and misleading information from Champaign County Clerk Gordy Hulten.

The remarkable honesty of Rodney Davis

Rodney Davis has spent his entire political career pretending to be something he's not. At long last, it appears he's come to terms with the sort of representative we've always known him to be. Cameron takes a look at the remarkable honesty of Congressman Rodney Davis. 

Who are the people in your neighborhood?

The more connected we get through Internet media, the less connected we get to the people right next door. Dane wants us to reach into our local community and make a difference in a kid's life.