Smile Politely

Catching up on LOST

Hello friends, I hope you enjoyed the first two weeks as much as we did. So much to talk about…


Week 1: Flash-sideways and parallel timelines. Yes, instead of giving us one or the other, we’re given both. The bomb did reset a timeline, but not the timeline. And so we have LOST version 2004 (plane did not crash, situation slightly altered, see questions below) and LOST version 2007 (everything that has happened remains).

I loved it, for many reasons.

I loved seeing the characters in Season 1 form again, mix-tape Sawyer, bad-husband Jin, walkabout Locke and more. I look forward to seeing where the writers go with 2004. 2007 started slow with some overplayed emotions from Sawyer, but settled in nicely with an emerging Hurley and (finally) an inside peek at the ‘core’ others and their Temple.

Week 2: In 2004 Kate and Claire meet again under different, but similar circumstances (oh and how about that creepy re-appearance by Ethan also under different, but very similar circumstances). In 2007 Jack/Temple Losties once again attempt to get a read on the Others and Sawyer decides he was truly meant to be alone.


Need more? Is your mind not wrapping all of this? In weeks to come I’ll get more specific with the theories, but let’s start with the idea of parallels.

(I’ve borrowed from Doc Jensen here and a Q & A with the writers.)

See Gottfried Leibniz’s Possible Worlds concept and Bubble Universe Theory.

“There are scientists who believe that these Bubble or “Island Universes” are real — that they exist somewhere, as real and concrete as “our world,” inhabited by variations of ourselves. Naturally, this assertion has invited intense debate. Where are these worlds? Can we find them? If so, can we access them? Communicate with them? Visit them? Is there one “official world” and all the others of deviations? Did all these worlds pop into being at the same time, or do we continually create new worlds with every choice and non-choice? If so, do the other versions of you that exist across the multiverse of worlds create new worlds with their choices and non-choices, too? And who are these other “yous,” anyway? Are you separate, unique individuals? Do you share consciousness and/or a soul? Are you and your other yous destined to reach similar fates, played out through different events or circumstances? Are you and your other yous unique entities with unique destinies?” It’s possible this happens to us everyday. Our day-to-day lives could easily be filled with serendipitous stuff that we simply don’t spot or don’t let ourselves see. Discuss.


1. H Bomb worked…or did it?
2. Locke is dead…for now.
3. Jacob is dead…for now.
4. Hurley’s guitar case was carrying an Ankh, with a list of names inside that allowed the Losties access to the temple.
5. Sayid is alive, but ‘Claimed’ (see below)
6. Claire is alive, but ‘Claimed’
7. What else? Post!


Week 1

1. What do we make of the differences between old 2004 and new 2004 (Desmond on the plane, Rose saying what Jack originally said, etc)?

2. Why is the island underwater in new 2004? (The writers mention that it has to do with the Losties not taking into consideration what else they might change when they decided to manually course-correct with the H bomb).

3. Where are we headed with Christian Shephard missing again?

4. Juliet apparently tells Miles “it” worked, what worked?

5. If Man In Black is/can become the Smoke Monster, what is it’s role/connection to the Temple? He presented himself to Ben in the Temple in Season 5 yet the Others seem to have a process for ensuring (circle of ash) it/he stays out in Season 6.

6. Sayid is alive, does Jacob have a role in this?

7. Man In Black wants to go home. Where is home? (Lucifer was a fallen angel after all)

8. Where does Richard recognize Man In Black from? And what chains was Richard in? (Black Rock?)

Week 2

1. Dogen tells Jack that he thinks Sayid is infected or in other words, he is ‘Claimed’. Claire is also ‘Claimed.’ What does this mean? Is the Man In Black involved? Is this finally information about the Sickness? Does the pill for Sayid relate to the Dharma Vaccine or was it truly poison?

2. (This is for my own info, I can’t remember, so help me out) Ethan introduces himself as Ethan Goodspeed, which we know is because he was Horace and Amy’s son, but why did we first think his name was Ethan Rom?

3. Some rumblings that the 2004 timeline isn’t actually 2004, thoughts?

4. With Sawyer all alone will Man In Black/Locke come around?


Week 1

1. 2004: Jack and Locke very cordially discuss their missing “luggage” and Locke’s paralysis. Best friends in another life?

2. 2007: Man In Black/Faux-Locke tells Ben what John Locke was thinking when he died, proceeds say Locke was weak, but also that he was the only one of the Losties who didn’t realize how “pitiful” their lives were back “home”. Chew on it.

Week 2

1. Miles telling Jack that he’d be waiting in the ‘Food Court’. Awesome.

2. Dogen’s scenes with Jack. I wasn’t sold on Dogen in week one, but I thought they brought him along nicely this week, what do you think?


Want some Locke/Man In Black foreshadowing? Check out Claire’s dream from Season 1 Episode 10.

Post Away!

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