Smile Politely

Sweet Lou Not Ready To Lose Now or Later

Playing For a Known Winner

The Cubs are 6–12 in March and quite obviously, on their way to a World Series title.

Ok, so spring records don’t mean that much. But I have been curious: why is it bothering Lou so much? Like so many of us sports nuts out there, when he says he doesn’t care that much about winning, he is lying. The truth is that it simply bugs the hell out him, even when it doesn’t matter. Lou can’t just sit back and watch poor play.

“I wish we had more players like Micah Hoffpauir,” he chides to the media.

“Well, if that’s the case, he can go somewhere else,” he jabbed at Marquis after old Jason proclaimed that he wouldn’t pitch from the bullpen.

I love it. It’s what took the Cubs from worst to first last year. Pinella won’t settle for a sub-par product. He likes hustle, effort and unselfish play. If some of the team can give him what he demands, then it’s likely our first 18 games in April will look more like 12–6 then 6–12.

Mid-Spring Training Observations from Cubs Camp

Centerfield was all but wrapped up by Felix Pie until he had what might be the most heinous reason for missing the last week: Testicular Torsion.

Now I’m not going to spend a lot of time on this. Enough syntax has been dedicated to Pie’s balls. I’d like to suggest, however, that MLB teams go back to “general soreness” or some other medical press release in these types of situations. I don’t need to know that much about Felix and I’m pretty sure he’d prefer that the rest of the world just think he ran a little too hard around second the other day.

Looks like Woody is the front runner for the closer job and that’s just fine with me. If Wood, Howry and Marmol pitch like they can, it doesn’t matter to me what inning they pitch in. Pinella says the guy in the ninth will likely have less work than the fellas pitching in the 7th and 8th. If Wood winds up not being able to carry all of the stopper load, then he can use Howry or the kid every now and again.

Zambrano has looked great this Spring. Marquis and Leiber are pitching like they have something to prove. I’ll assume that Lilly and Hill are “working” on some things, though we’ll definitely need better production from them when April rolls around.

In the most shocking news of the Spring, Dempster sometimes pitches good and other times pitches bad. Get used to it.

Next week, we’ll take a closer look at the final moves that should be made before the show begins: roster cuts, possible trades and last minute lineup shuffling. This week, let’s offer thanks to Sweet Lou for finally taking Soriano out of the top spot in the order. It’s about time.

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