At Smile Politely, we’re interested in what the people of Champaign- Urbana think about this place we call home. So how do we find out what they think? Simple. We ask them.
Name: Larry Ecker
Occupation/Education: Director, Creative Services, The U
Original Hometown: Buckley, Ill.
Current Hometown: Champaign
Number of Years Living in the C-U Area: 30
Age: 56
List five things you really like about C-U:
1. Variety of restaurants
2. Access to Chicago, St. Louis and Indianapolis
3. Ten-minute bike commute to work
4. The music scene
5. Being on campus in general
List five things you really don’t like about C-U:
1. Landscape
2. Winters, especially if they have short springs
3. Distance to large bodies of water
4. Lack of wooded acreage
5. And the landscape