Smile Politely

No First Pitch for Cubs’ Oldest Fan

According to the Sun-Times, the Chicago Cubs’ oldest living fan is being denied his request# to throw out the first pitch in a game at Wrigley this season.

Deadspin has a take on this too, which seems a little reactionary, but I guess that’s what they’re here for. But in all honesty, if they let Pete Wentz do it, it can’t be that exclusive of a club.

I went to a Danville Dans game last Friday, and they had a novel solution to this problem: just let a bunch of people throw out the “first” pitch. There must have been 15 people lined up on the mound, from five-year-olds to middle-aged men, and they had three catchers rotating through to retrieve their errant offerings. That way everyone could realize their dream, and they don’t have to wait until they’re 104 to do it.

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