Smile Politely

Workshop: Strategic Planning for Activists

Workshop: Strategic Planning for Activists: Personal Maps for Social Change
Many people would like to see large scale social change, but don’t understand how to make the leap from the big picture to daily life. In this workshop, participants will create personal maps that connect today’s individual actions to tomorrow’s social movements.

April 21, 12 p.m. (Lunch available for purchase)
Red Herring Coffeehouse
Channing Murray Foundation
1209 W. Oregon St.
Urbana, Ill.

This workshop will be conducted by Elizabeth Simpson as a part of the Urbana tour stop of the Change of State Performance Project. While here, CSPP will also perform their play, “Take this House (and float it away)”

Take this House (and Float It Away)
This tightly choreographed play raises questions about common attitudes towards water and “natural” disasters. A suburban couple grapples with — and denies the gravity of — the “storm of the century” in a suburb of Sacramento. There will be two opening acts by Jacob Barton and Elizabeth Simpson of Urbana, Ill.
Allen Hall (UIUC), April 21 at 8 p.m.
Independent Media Center, April 23 at 8 p.m.

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