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Strive helps bridge the technology gap

Strive is an intiative of the YWCA that gets Chromebooks (in those lovely carrying cases) to women who lack access to technology, then leads a cohort through a several week program to teach digital and workplace skills.

The YWCA of University of Illinois is preparing to launch their third cohort of women in the program, and they are partnering with WIN Recovery, a nonprofit that helps women who are transitioning out of incarceration. 

The goal is to equip participants with the technological tools and skills needed to enter the workforce. Says Andrea Rundell, Executive Director of the YWCA, “You really can’t get a job right now unless you have that kind of experience…certainly the middle-skills jobs that are actually paying better.”

The YWCA is always looking for other organizations that provide services for women (and trans women are women) to partner with, as the Y can supply the computers and the computer training, but not all of the other resources that participants might need as they enter the workforce (childcare assistance, transportation assistance, etc.) If you are such an organization, or know of one, you can contact the YWCA.

A grant through covers personnel for the program, and the YWCA relies on fundraising for the Chromebooks.* Interested in donating to the program? You can do that here.

Top photo by Julie McClure.

*Editor’s note: The original version of this Splog incorrectly stated that the grant pays for Chromebooks.

Staff writer

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