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Tuscola High School to host the “Chief” against the Redskins: UPDATED

In a disappointing display of insensitivity and racism, the publicly funded school district in Tuscola, IL, home of the “Warriors” has decided to invite the ghost of “Chief Illiniwek” to perform at halftime during next Friday’s game against the Sullivan Redskins. 

They are also asking those in attendance to “Respect the Chief.”

Here is the image: 

Drew Wilder of WCIA News posted it on his professional Facebook page which has been shared dozens of times as of mid-Saturday afternoon. 

Whether or not Tuscola actually goes through with their promise to display a minstrel show in a publicly funded building remains to be seen, but right now, that looks to be the case. 

UPDATE: Sunday, January 4th at 7:22 p.m.

Per a post on Tuscola CUSD #301’s Facebook page, the event has been cancelled. (PS)

And on Twitter:

UPDATE: Monday, January 5th at 10:03 a.m.

Since I initially embedded the Facebook post by Tuscola CUSD #301’s Facebook account, it has now been deleted. I replaced it with a screen shot of the post. Here’s what they’ve added in response to comments on their social media page(s) (PS):


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