Smile Politely

“Not Your Mascot” discussion happening tonight; protest of the Chief at Homecoming is Friday

In light of the news of the Chief making an appearance at this weekend’s Homecoming Parade at the University of Illinois, there are a few worthy events to check out in the next few days.

Tonight at the Asian American Cultural Center (1210 W. Nevada Street, Urbana), there will be a discussion about the Chief hosted by the Asian Pacifi American Coalition and the Native American & Indigenous Student Organization at U of I. The event is tonight at 7 p.m.

On Friday, there is a protest being held to reject the Chief’s presence at the Homecoming Parade — this is being held at the Illinois Student Government portion of the Illini Union (250 Illini Union, 1401 W. Green Street, Urbana). That is being held at 6 p.m.

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