After a wild ride the last couple of years, it looks like the Burnham Mansion will be saved after all.
Unit 4 and architect Christopher Enck have reached an agreement that will allow Enck to purchase the building for $10. While it seems arbitrary, Unit 4 is working with Enck to save the building while incurring no additional cost to taxpayers in the process.
Unit 4 bought the land that the building sits on, so now Enck has to provide a plan to get it moved from the property. Unit 4 will contribute $50,000 to that move, and simultaneously save roughly $50,000 by not paying to have it demolished.
The upcoming phases of the Unit 4 Referendum project and Champaign Central upgrades are starting soon, so the move needs to happen fairly soon. Moving the building would cost approximately $150,000-$300,000.
Read our Editorial Board piece about the Burnham Mansion.
Top photo by WILL.