Smile Politely

Hit up The Idea Store for some of your holiday needs

Do you ever stop and think about all the waste that happens around this time of year, especially when it comes to gift giving? I know I’ve been guilty of going to Target and buying a big pack of wrapping paper only to come home and see that I already had some from last year. I also get sucked in by all of the decoration displays in the stores, thinking I really do need more holiday cheer blanketing my house, only to look at those things a year or two later and wonder why oh why I thought I needed them.

I never really considered taking a look at what The Idea Store had to offer in this arena, but as I was browsing the other day I realized that you can procure all sorts of these things there. And by doing so, you are doing more reusing and less adding to the circulation of stuff. Also, you can probably find a few unique and vintage-y type things, and it will all be ridiculously cheap. Here’s what I found:

Photos by Julie McClure

Staff writer

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