Smile Politely

Look at these adorable cows at Ludwig Farmstead Creamery

They’re so cute! And look, interspecies friendships!

Ludwig Farmstead Creamery‘s cheese is delicious, and no wonder — the television told me that happy cows make happy cheese, and looks like they can be happy in Illinois, too. You can find the cheese at their farm store in Fithian (you can also order online), or at locally at Common Ground Food Co-op and on the pizzas at Dragon Fire Pizza .
See more adorable cow photos on Facebook; additional information is available on the Ludwig Farmstead Creamery website.

Top image: The head of a black and white baby cow is pictured behind a metal fence. There are blue buckets to the left, and green grass behind the cow. The cow’s ears are poking out to the side. Its pink nose is pressed against the fence and its tongue is sticking out slightly. Photo from the Ludwig Farmstead Creamery’s Facebook page.

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