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Champaign County Forest Preserve District is opening facilities on a limited basis

The Champaign Forest Preserves have been a wonderful respite as over the past few months as a way to get out in nature and spend some time out of the house. Now they will be expanding their offerings to include Museum of the Grand Prairie and Homer Lake Interpretive Center, with strict guidelines of course. From the press release:

Beginning July 8, 2020. Homer Lake Interpretive Center will be open from 1:00 p.m to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday through Friday, with a limit of 10 guests at a time. Masks and social distancing will be required within the facility. Handwashing/sanitizing is encouraged before entering or upon entry to the building. Patrons are asked to check themselves and members of their party for symptoms before arriving and stay home if they are sick.

Also beginning on July 8, 2020, the Museum of the Grand Prairie will be open from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Wednesday through Friday. The first hour of every Wednesday will be reserved for persons over 65, and other vulnerable groups. Patrons will be required to sign up for a time to visit. Sign up times will be available by pressing the register/reserve button on the website A name and contact information will be required for each registrant in case contact tracing should be required. Visits are scheduled in increments of an
hour, and there will be a limit of 10 patrons per hour in order to keep patrons and staff safe and facilitate cleaning. Masks and social distancing will be required within the facility. Handwashing/sanitizing is encouraged before entering or upon entry to the building. Patrons are asked to check themselves and members of their party for symptoms before arriving and stay home if they are sick.

Visitors should note that many hands-on, interactive experiences may be closed, or removed temporarily as required by the governor’s office and local public health officials. The Museum of the Grand Prairie’s Discovering Home exhibit, on the lower level, will be closed until further notice. Bathrooms and popular public areas will be cleaned on a regular basis.

Photo from Homer Lake Interpretive Center Facebook page.

Staff writer

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