Smile Politely

BEST political campaign: Champaign County Forest Preserves Tax Referendum

From our BEST 2020 feature:

BEST political campaign: Champaign County Forest Preserves Tax Referendum 

Look, when you win every voting district in Mahomet on a referendum to raise taxes to better fund the preservation of our forest preserves and the facilities that surround them, you know you’ve done a bang up job. 

If you read Smile Politely often enough, you know we are huge fans of the work CCFPD does, and we even endorsed the YES vote to give them the tax increase. We are partners in advertising with them — whoopty doo! — for good reason. 

Their efforts were amazing. They succinctly stated their case, they asked for a reasonable increase in funding, they showcased exactly what the money would go towards, and they humbly asked for people to put aside their partisanship, and to please vote in favor of a bigger budget to better serve all of us, and our guests. 

This was a great campaign that ended with a successful YES vote, and for that, we are all grateful. Nice work, y’all! (Seth Fein)

Top image from Champaign County Forest Preserves’ website.

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