Smile Politely

Illogic hits The Highdive tonight early

Illogic‘s powerful words and equally powerful delivery challenge you to rethink your world and the things that surround you. From the sound of his lyrics, he’s seen some diabolical things in his life and wants to share his stories with you remixed with beats from Aesop Rock and Atmosphere.

Rarely someone comes along who is so incredibly passionate about his work and each word that comes out of his mouth tends to exemplify that notion. Although the crowd may be able to dance to his rhymes, be sure to focus on what he has to say — his strings of words are anything but illogical.

Tonight he shares the stage with Krukid, DJ Belly and DJ Legtwo at The Highdive. It is an early show with doors opening at 7 p.m. If you bring a friend before 7:45 p.m. you get half price off your $5 ticket, and if you RSVP to you can also get another special discount. This is a practically free show to see an artist who has performed with the likes of The Roots, Common and Wyclef Jean.

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